Parish News
A listing of upcoming events and news in the parish and mission churches. Check back regularly for updates.
Parish Calendar

Weekday Masses during the Season of Lent
March 6 - April 16
All Masses during Lent, Wednesday through Friday, including First Saturday, will be at 7:30 AM to facilitate working people to attend
7:15 AM confession

Stations of the Cross
St. Peter's
Friday Evenings
Every Friday of Lent there will be Stations of the Cross held at 7:30PM at St. Peter's Parish

Children's Stations of the Cross hosted by St. Peter's CWL
St. Peter's Hall
Good Friday (April 18th 2025)
After the Good Friday service there will be a dramatized rendition of the Stations of the Cross by the children of the parish

KofC Good Friday Fish Fry
St. Peter's Parish Hall
Good Friday (April 18th 2025)
Following the Good Friday service, the KofC will be making a Fish 'n' Chips dinner.

Holy Week and Easter Mass Schedule
April 17 - April 23
April 17th, Holy Thursday - 7pm (St. Joseph’s)
April 18th, Good Friday - 3pm (St. Peter’s)
April 19th, Easter Vigil - 10pm (St. John’s)
April 20th, Easter Sunday - 9am (St. John’s)
- 11am (St. Peter’s)
- 1pm (St. John’s) TLM
April 21st, Easter Monday - NO MASS
April 22nd, Tuesday - NO MASS
April 23rd, Wednesday - 6pm (St Joseph’s)
1st Communion & Corpus Christ Procession
Corpus Christi (22 June 2025)
The 1st communicants will receive the Blessed Sacrament this day and at 3 PM will process through the streets of Durham starting from St. Peter's Church.
1st Communion Classes (St. Peter's Hall):
Saturday, May 10th 9 AM
Saturday, June 14th 9 AM

14 June 2025 1:00 PM
Confirmation Class (St. Peter's Hall): 10:30 AM Saturday, May 10th
Rehearsal: Thursday, June 12th during school hours
Parish Bulletin
The most recent Sunday bulletin