Parish News
A listing of upcoming events and news in the parish and mission churches. Check back regularly for updates.
Parish Calendar
Seasonal Addresses
St. Peter's Hall
Wednesday, January 29th @ 7 PM
A Lecture on Mental Prayer for Beginners
Megan Gordon will be leading a talk on mental prayer. This lecture will be the first of a series of quarterly lectures on various topics led by Fr. Hope or special guests.
We are happy to have Megan speak to us and share her insight into mental prayer before she leaves us to join the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary.
1st Communion & Corpus Christ Procession
Corpus Christi (22 June 2025)
The 1st communicants will receive the Blessed Sacrament this day and at 3 PM will process through the streets of Durham starting from St. Peter's Church.
1st Communion Classes (St. Peter's Hall):
Saturday, May 10th 9 AM
Saturday, June 14th 9 AM
Parish Bulletin
The most recent Sunday bulletin